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American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978- US Congress.jpg
This Act was signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1978. This Act ensured that all Native American religions were protected by law under the 1st Amendment. (Freedom of Religion).


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modern authentically crafted dream catcher


Great Lakes or Eastern Woodland Indian basket made of black ash splints; round basket without lid or handles; decorative loops at rim; originally had some horizontal splints dyed red and green-now faded; row of decorative loops on bottom of basket…

Moccasins made with white buckskin and finely beaded flower motif on upper. Most likely made by Shoshone Natives, but possibly by Blackfeet. This item is from Sheridan County, NE. And was archived at Michigan States University on May 1, 1970.


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bronze birch borer causes destruction to white birch populations

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The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service endangered and threatened species list
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