The Bob Stumps Veterans Affair Medical Center is located in Prescott Arizona, on the original site of Fort Whipple, a tactical outpost utilized by the US Calvary to fight the Navajo during the Indian Wars (1864-1882).
The VA Medical Center has been serving Arizona veterans for almost one hundred years, to include Navajo veterans from the four corners reqion.
To better serve the Navajo Nation, six clinics have been placed in and around the Navajo reservation: Holbrook, Page, Tuba City, Polacca, Chinle and Kayenta.
As part of the Veterans Administration's Complimentary Alterantive Medicine (CAM) program it has implemented, among other indigenous ceremonies, twice monthly sacred "talking circles" to be established at the VA Hospitals in Prescott, Arizona and Albuqurque, New Mexico in which strength is transfrerred to the one speaking from the ones listening. The Prescott "talking circle" is held in a traditional manner within a tepee around a fire; whoever has the eagle feather has the floor.
Not only are Navajo ceremonies conducted on the grounds of the VA hospital in Prescott, but a sweat lodge has recently been constructed to supplement the traditional medicine treatment offered to their Navajo veterans.